
A well diversified Investment portfolio is critical to enhance long-term growth.

For individuals, a mix of registered and non-registered savings, income and pension plans can help achieve short and long-term goals.


Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

A registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) has several advantages.

  • RRSP contributions are tax-deductible
  • For investors under 72 years of age, it can allow tax-deferred compound interest and help accumulate savings to achieve long-term retirement goals
  • It allows for a variety of choice of specific investment options inside the RRSP


Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)

As the cost of post-secondary education continues to rise, outpacing the rate of inflation, it is becoming a financial burden for students, unless the planning was started for them early on. Saving for your child or grandchild’s education is a great way to relieve some of this financial burden

Your contributions to the RESP will attract government grants, and potentially government bonds (depending on family income)

Your contributions will grow sheltered from tax

When the money is withdrawn, your contributions are not taxed, however the grant and growth will be taxed in the student’s hands (which often equates to very little tax due to the low tax bracket that students are normally in)

Non-registered Savings Plans

With non-registered savings, we work to ensure that a tax-efficient portfolio is designed to ensure that your investments have the most growth potential (given your risk tolerance).


Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)

A tax-free savings account is an important part of long-term retirement planning

For individuals aged 18+, investments inside a TFSA grow sheltered from tax, essentially increasing a tax-free income source in retirement.


Segregated Fund Policies

In a segregated fund policy, professional fund managers invest in a variety of individual securities. Depending on the performance of the segregated funds you select, your investment’s unit values will increase or decrease.

As a form of life insurance, it’s important to note that segregated fund policies have distinct advantages for some investors. These can include:

  • Potential for creditor protection
  • Savings on potential probate fees
  • No trustee fees

As a Financial Security Advisor, I have access to a wide variety of segregated funds. Contact us today to discuss how they might strengthen your investment portfolio, and to receive an information package about segregated funds.

Note that any amount allocated to a segregated fund may increase or decrease in value, and is invested at the risk of the policyholder.

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